Authority over Humanity

We all have many authorities in our lives–at home, at work, in society, and the world–but none of those should have the ultimate say because none of those warrant that premier position. Only Jesus does. He is the only leader worthy of total authority over our lives. Mark 1:1-20 contains four reasons why he is so worthy.

Authority over the Spiritual World

While people in our modern world seem to think the physical world is all there is, and maybe when you die, you go to a different world, the Bible claims a spiritual world exists as a dimension alongside this world. Furthermore, the unseen is more powerful than the seen with evil beings who are determined to harm us. But the good news is Jesus reigns over the entire spiritual world. Our King is THE King, not just of people, but of every spirit too. Mark 1:12-39 articulates five important truths about his authority.

Authority to Forgive

Our sin, even when it is against others, is first and foremost an offense against God. And while it is good and right and important to go to those who we sin against and say, “I am so sorry, please forgive me,” we must confess our sins to Jesus because he alone has the authority to forgive sin. Mark 2:1-12 has four ways to go to him for forgiveness.

Authority over Religion

The religions of the world don’t think much of Jesus. They aren’t praying to him or worshipping him, but everyone will answer to him. Buddha isn’t on the throne of the universe. Neither is Mohammed or the millions of Hindu “gods.” Jesus reigns over all. Mark 2:13-3:6 has three reasons why he is better than other religions.

Power to Change

Most Christians want to change. It bothers us when we are harsh. We want to be more gentle. It upsets us when we are greedy. We want to be more kind. It grieves us when we do things we don’t want to do. We want more self-control. It’s miserable to be miserable. We want more joy. The good news is Jesus has the power to change you. Mark 4:1-20 leads us to take four steps for more of his virtue in our life.

Power over Circumstances

God is not the cause of everything, but since he is all knowing and all powerful and everywhere present, it follows that God does allow everything that happens to happen. He must permit it in order for it to take place. While this is hard to grasp, it is true, and it is wonderful–Jesus has power over every circumstance. Therefore, Mark 4:35-41 teaches us to trust him in four ways.

Power over Evil

Evil is alive and well on planet Earth. It is in every segment of society in every part of the world. No one is immune from it. While it is easy to get discouraged by the prevalence of evil all around the world, and even in our own hearts, there is good news about Jesus. Mark 5:1-20 describes 3 reasons to be encouraged about his power over evil.

Power over Suffering

If you haven’t suffered much, you probably haven’t lived very long. If you aren’t suffering now, you will be in the future. It is a reality of the human experience of life on Earth. The good news is Jesus has power over suffering. Mark 5:21-43 highlights three aspects of his power. strength and hope during our suffering. that will help us understand how to deal with suffering in the world – our own and how to minister to others.